Guidance for Charge-Balance Adjustment

Sometimes we want to know which chemical parameter of a given water sample is the primary cause of the CBE. Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this question. What we can do, however, is to narrow down the number of potential candidates.

aqion: guidance for charge balance adjustment

One decision method is based on the interplay between the CBE and the EC (or equiva­lently TDS). A direct compa­rison between the measured and the calculated EC (or TDS) tells us whether the analysis contains too much or too little anions/cations.

Example. The right image shows a water sample (input file ib.sol) with negative CBE, i.e. more anions than cations. The “Guidance for charge-balance adjustment” (which opens by the button Details) recommends the type of ions as follows:

Two questions arise:

1. What happens if we act against the recommendation?

Then, the discrepancy between the measured and the calculated EC (or TDS) will increase.

2. What about pH as parameter?

Of course, with the “default parameter” pH you always achieve charge balance. However, in practice the pH is often measured with sufficient accuracy, whereas some concentrations may be more problematic.

Note. The guidance/recommendation makes only sense if the EC and/or the TDS were measured.

[last modified: 2024-05-25]