Charge-Balance Error (CBE)

One fundamental law of nature is that aqueous solutions must be electrically neutral. This means that in real solutions, the total sum of all the positive charges (cations) must equal the total sum of all negative charges (anions):

(1)   charge balance: \(\sum \, \textrm{cations} \ = \ \sum \, \text{anions}\)

However, analysis errors and/or unanalyzed constituents cause electrical imbalances. One measure of this imbalance is the charge-balance error in percent:1

(2) \(\textrm{CBE} \, = \, \dfrac{\sum \textrm{cations} \, - \mid\sum \textrm{anions}\mid}{\sum \textrm{cations} \, + \mid\sum \textrm{anions} \mid} \, \times \, 100\)

We use CBE to judge the validity and quality of water analyses. In the program, the CBE is determined just before each reaction step (based on speciation calculations) and displayed in a separate panel.

The CBE can be positive or negative. A positive CBE indicates that the water sample has a higher concentration of cations than anions. Conversely, a negative CBE indicates that anions are more abundant.

Acceptable water analyses have CBE less than ±5 %.

The CBE is a relative error (rather than an absolute one). Due to the presence of the denominator in 2, low-concentrated waters are particularly sensitive to small deviations between total cations and total anions.

Alternative Definitions

In addition to 2 (which is used in PhreeqC and aqion) there are alternative definitions of CBE. In one alternative2, for example, the denominator is multiplied by 0.5, which increases the CBE by a factor 2.

Thus, before comparing CBE values ensure that they are based on the same definition formula.

Causes for Charge-Balance Errors

Three possible causes for electrical imbalance are:


  1. Hydrochemistry software PhreeqC (U.S.G.S.) 

  2. German technical standard DIN 38402-62 

[last modified: 2024-05-25]